About us
Why Chief Building Services?
Security Services
Verification Surveillance
Janitorial Services
Express Delivery

Chief Building Services offers both armed and unarmed security, AED/CPR certified guards and Spanish speaking guards; all of which have had 3X the legally state required training.

Our Guard Services can be employed at:

1. Construction Sites

2. Home Owners Associations, Guard Houses and Gated Communities

3. Office and Apartment Complexes

4. Hospitals, Banks, Factories and Warehouses

5. Car Dealerships

6. Commercial, Retail or Private Facilities

Mobile Patrols

You may have seen a Chief Building Services car or SUV around town. We have taken great pride in building a fleet of vehicles that are versatile and an immediately recognizable deterrent. The diversity of our mobile patrol vehicles allow us to patrol in nearly all weather conditions and over most terrain. From construction sites to snowy mountains be assured we have a vehicle that can tackle most security situations.

Our mobile patrols provide your business, HOA or private property with a security guard on-site to lock down the area as well as make spot checks and appearances throughout the night. Mobile patrol is a great way to bring the Chief Building Services presence to your site even with a tight budget. Call today to ask how our security officers can serve your area

Special Events

Corporate Events, Conferences, Holiday Celebrations, and Closed or Private Parties; whatever the case may be, Chief Building Services can secure your event. We will work closely with event planners to make sure there are enough personnel to cover your event and provide the image and security you need.

Private Parties and Weddings

Corporate Events


Grand Openings


Sporting Events

Client Dedication
Our security services are all centered around one common theme: the performance of our security officers. Chief Building Services has designed a comprehensive security strategy to ensure that our employees are focused, committed, and fully trained. We offer state-of-the-art, comprehensive training programs to all personnel assigned to protect your employees, visitors, and critical assets.

Manufacturing: Security for Production Plants
Industrial: Security for Power Plants and Mines
Retail: Property Protection and Loss Prevention
Commercial: Full-Service Security and Patrol Touring

Real Estate: Security for Industrial, Retail, and Residential Facilities Residential: Gated Community Protective Services (Including Residential Patrols)

Technology: Specific Security or Janitorial Services Tailored to Your Culture and Location                                                                                         

Education: Security for University Campuses, Local School Districts, and Private Schools

Core Services

* Uniformed Security - Chief Building Services more than 125 uniformed security professionals provide asset protection across a broad array of business sectors and work environments. The firm's officers are trained and focused on the benefits of working as partners in meeting the needs of the company's clients.
Uniformed security professionals are carefully screened and selected, meticulously trained, continuously monitored, and evaluated on an ongoing basis to ensure we're meeting the client's expectations. Management interviews all candidates thoroughly, conducts background checks, and determines personality/integrity profiles before adding them to the CBS team.

Prior to deployment, all Chief Building Services  uniformed professionals receive focused and client-specific training from highly experienced personnel management in all facets of the company. After deployment, ongoing personal training and eventual supervision and management training are hallmarks of the Chief Building Services employee development program.

Whether armed or unarmed, Chief Building Services uniformed security personnel have the reputation of being a professional, well-prepared extension of the client's workforce.

* Special Event Security - From political conventions to sports spectaculars, from awards shows and entertainment events to product sales and major corporate marketing events, Chief Building Services  special events division provides unparalleled safety, security, and peace of mind.

For corporate events and other occasions, Chief Building Services focuses on advanced planning, threat assessment and problem prevention; event crowd control; and when necessary, crisis response. Management is skilled at understanding and planning the event security process and working with the client, while our personnel are trained to be polite and professional, while assuring the safety and security of event attendees.

A broad range of security resources is available to meet the needs of major corporations, entertainment industry executives, political events, and every other type of activity where a secure environment is required.

* Loss Prevention - Retail loss prevention involves many functions and programs designed to reduce a retailers loss due to theft, control deficiencies and operating inefficiencies. The Chief Building Services Retail Loss Prevention Program serves forward-thinking retail clients in the control of losses and business risks associated with external shrink.

Shoplifting is a major contributor to shrink and successful retailers must take reasonable steps to protect merchandise from theft via shoplifting to remain successful. The more effective these measures are, the more likely the retailer will be able to deliver product to their customers at the lowest possible price and improve their profitability and competitiveness in the market place.

The current focus of this program is to effectively and efficiently reduce the occurrence of shoplifting without creating unnecessary liability or disruption to the business of our clients. Our clients tell us that one of the primary reasons they outsource their store-level loss prevention program is that the time they used to spend recruiting, training and supervising can now be used for more critical loss prevention functions and business initiatives. They also benefit from having a recognized industry leader deliver a level of unsurpassed service and competence in this specialized field - often at a substantial monetary savings. 

Outsourcing loss prevention to Chief Building Services is just good business. Doing so assigns management of this important function to true loss prevention professionals while lowering your cost, cutting external shrink, accelerating the ROI, reducing worker's compensation claims, minimizing general liability claims and allowing you to focus on the strategies most beneficial to your organization.

* Security Patrol - Today, security is a top concern for virtually every business owner and executive. Security is no longer optional, it is imperative. In addition to helping to protect employees, customers and assets, adequate security can positively affect customer and employee retention, provide a competitive advantage, and improve the bottom line. Far too often small businesses sacrifice security because of budget issues. Now there is a solution. 

Patrol inspections refer to random interior and exterior patrols of your property or work site. This service enables small and medium size businesses to access security offerings which are typically only available to larger corporations.


Expertly trained, uniformed security officers                                 

Highly visible, clearly marked vehicles                                              

Officers equipped with cellular phone and emergency response procedures                                                                            

24 hour dispatching capabilities                                                      

Property signs and bold self-adhesive vehicle decals for display            

Random patrol patterns for maximum security                                 

Key management


Protection & deterrent from theft and vandalism 

Recognition of safety hazards 

Reduction of energy costs                                                           

Promotion of safe community and workplace                               

Customized security program                                                      

Quick professional response in cases of emergency                     

Technology driven quality assurance and tour verification                  

Instant communication with additional Chief Building Services sources and/or law enforcement for emergency response